Live from the Heart.
Two decades on the front lines
of women’s holistic health.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum
Women in Crisis
The pandemic hit everyone hard, but women hardest of all. And women’s heart health has been neglected for a generation, despite statistics that prove the real threat. As a leading cardiologist, Dr. Suzanne’s holistic, preventative, empowering approach to women’s heart health is our path to wellness.
Heart to Heart Blog
Let’s prevent heart disease through lifestyle interventions, such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, and weight management.
Whether you are a mother or are mothering, being a caregiver of someone who needs you and depends on you is the essence of what it means to be a mother.
Inflammation. Sure it's not as blatant as your weight, what’s on your dinner plate or in your wine glass. In fact, it's not apparent at all because you can't even see it, but it’s wreaking havoc on your body.
Are you drinking enough? Water that is. Drinking water and staying hydrated is critical for heart health. That's why today, March 22, World Water Day, is the perfect opportunity to check in about this habit.
Most people carry too much weight around, and that puts an immense strain on your heart, your other internal organs, your ability to exercise, even your ability to feel comfortable sitting in a chair.
Get too overweight, get diabetes, then get heart disease.
Cholesterol levels may not be the first thing on your list of health concerns. High cholesterol is that problem your grandfather has, right? Or maybe your father? In any case, you don’t have to worry about that yet, do you?
Well, yes, you do.
Blood pressure is one of those things that many people don’t think they need to pay attention to unless they get sick. High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because 30% of those with high blood pressure don’t even know they have it. You might be one of them.
February is American Heart Month and this morning I had the honor of joining TODAY to talk about how to be smart when it comes to your heart.
With Valentine’s day around the corner, I have been thinking a lot about love… self-love. One of the best ways to show yourself, love, is to take precautionary measures to make sure you live a healthy, long life.
“All of a sudden this isolation was really affecting people.
It wasn’t just the obvious.
It was the intangible, which is that we are all somehow meant to be together.”
— Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum
Live From The Heart Shop
“Here’s my message now.
What we learned from this pandemic: If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re in trouble. The system is not coming to save you.
We can get those risk factors into check!”
—Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum
Being physically fit is probably the most critical piece to living a long healthy life no matter who you are.